Feb .28 .2011 = High Cost Of Living
Short Month is Gyp
Figure 12: Phantom of the Gut
Feb .27 .2011 = Barely!
electric tweeties looking good ppl.
Feb .26 .2011 = Elbow's and Blood?
Behaving badly is the meaning of life...
Being gay is a subset of this
Figure 11: Don't Tell My Mom
Feb .25 .2011 = Elton John
Behaving badly is my favorite.
Too lazy to do my homework.
Maybe snowing in San Luis Obispo
tired of science
Feb .24 .2011 = Carl Weathers
CLICK HERE the pics are on FOC
Because My Opinion Matters:
written by Alissa
I have been asked to judge Tyler, a new addition to the FOC cast. When Ian demanded I write this, I thought he said to “make it slashy.” However, I’m not the right person for that job and with the videos I now have in my possession (chugging and tugging), I don’t think Tyler is the main character of that plot. But what do I know? After spending only about 30 hours with this person, and being the “worst judge of character ever” (Lee), I can safely claim that I am absolutely unqualified to draw any conclusion from the following observations. I take it back. I’m not a bad judge of character, I just don’t give a fuck.
Day 1: Death of Tom Boone
My first impression of Tyler gave me a sneaking suspicion he might party how El Tee parties. I imagined, once he had enough Four Loko, we’d either find him sleeping somewhere weird or helping tip over the van. Anyone who let’s a Boone have whiskey cannot be that responsible. Also, he has a last name that’s hard to pronounce.
Friday night, Tyler’s behavior was overshadowed by a Baby Boone Vomit Burrito Extravaganza. All I can say about that is: body, rug, shovel, and angry housemates (how many words is this now? This is hard). Tyler seemed unlikely to rat us out to the cops (+).
Day 2: Santa Rosa - combination Cougar Den and Taco Bell
In the van, Tyler only shared the crust of his PB&J sandwich with me (minus points). He mentioned that he was not really excited about the idea of a 4Loko experience but politely consumed at least one Loko in the van. He then helped Make The Most Mess, which is customary on a Campbell Van ride. He did not get as many Cheetos in my pockets as Antium, but he tried. Almost immediately after, he cleaned up all the toilet paper/open containers/evidence within reach. We arrived in Santa Rosa, checked into our hotel and Travis forced some Lokos into him.
At dinner, he managed to shock himself (on purpose) with pieces from inside a disposable camera. Lee outshined everyone with behavior that convinced a neighboring table that he was actually mentally retarded and, after a mysterious phone call from the bathroom, Antium just straight up disappeared.
Once at the show, Travis and Ian creeped out some hot girls while Tyler reeled in some cougars that Ian had hooked. Apparently, he only had one beer the whole time we were there but was drunk enough to make out with a girl in purple velvet leggings. I may have even witnessed an attempt at the Lady Killer, but that part of the evening is a bit hazy.
The night out ended with Travis going to jail (another failed prediction for me). We got back to at hotel room to find Tyler and Tina waiting for us outside because Tyler had allowed someone to set fire to his room key. He then proceeded not to help at all while Travis got Blue everywhere.
Then Tyler was forgotten because Ian and Jnre were getting homo erotic and well, what’s a girl to do? I guess Tyler and Tina disappeared for a while and there was some vague description of a felony when they came back…but I think he was just trying to impress us.
Day 3: Chug it, Spike it, Back to bed
Pretty much giving up on Tyler behaving badly at this point. He didn’t have a Four Loko breakfast like the rest. He did not participate in Chug it, Spike it, Back to bed. He did only pretend to object to the beer can in the microwave and didn’t help clean up too much. I wouldn’t have wanted to help either if I was busy cupcakin’ in the parking lot.
At breakfast, Tyler played dumb when I returned from the bathroom to find my pockets full of strawberry jam packets (this has nothing to do with Tyler but my favorite moment was when one server found the coffee soaked sock on the floor). We left the restaurant and everyone climbed on top of the van, throwing cans and jam packets like confetti. I’m pretty sure the cops had already been called and Antium only made things worse (chug it, spike it, back in the van). Tyler played the responsible card, helped subdue an angry bystander, and promptly took us out of town. Santa Rosa may not have been ready for us, but I’d bet Tyler would be welcomed back, as long as he didn’t bring any of his friends.
Conclusion: Tyler is the least likely to go to jail
Tyler is a perfect addition to the group. I’m happy there’s someone in SLO to bail out my boys or provide an alibi. He was more responsible than I predicted, but saying he’s the responsible one of that bunch isn’t saying much. I’m convinced he just wasn’t given the right opportunity for bad behavior. If he didn’t have to drive us home, this story would have ended differently. Or maybe I’m totally wrong cuz Tyler was Adam and I can’t remember. Or maybe I just don’t read enough Jerk City. Lee’s opinion: “hates fun but mabye a nice man???”
To Sum Up
Most likely to:
go to Jail: Baby Boone
barf before dinner: Ian
injure himself: Adam Antium
have brain damage right now: Anyone who has ever ingested Four Loko.
Best at:
making the most mess: Lee
misbehaving to the point just before his girlfriend gets mad: Jinre
Cougar Bait: Travis
Least likely to go to Jail: Tyler
Most responsible: ME, you fucks.
Feb _ 23 _ 2011 = Right as RAIN
I'm thinking about starting a thread on lost objects
The first object I've lost the shirt in the above picture.
Also looking for Alissa's Glove
If anyone else has lost anything email me and I can post on FOC that it is missing.
Worked on the electric Tweeties a bit. Keep shocking myself with the audio transformer.
FEB-22-2011 Fog and Ashes
I just enrolled in what will presumably be my last quarter of college... Whoa...
I am still a child, watch your domes!
FEB./21./2011 Bruises all over
Wake up, chug it, spike it, back to bed.
Every limey cocksucker I ever met liked wine gums.
We're at the combination pizza hut and taco bell.
It's OK I'm going to jail.
The Bay was not ready for us, and it payed the price.
FEB./18./2011 "HORANDO"
This comes up a lot... so I've decided to screen cap it to ensure its place in history (and FoC). It is the origins of the 'word' horando.
Please tell the bay area to be prepared for a bunch of goons.
FEB.*17.*2011 "FAPOUT"
An expression of jerking
apparently everyone is getting sick?
FEB.*16.*2011 is a day
Familiar somehow...
nothing clever today...
Fat Ryan is the first user to both successfully log in and generate an html file!
Im thinking it takes too long for this page to load so maybe I will back log by month to another page?
My format is going to hell in a hurry...
FEb.. 15 ** 2011 .. Sean Penn
getting sick.. fuck.. here's a pictureFEb.. 14 ** 2011 .. Valentines Gay
The comedic emergency continues:
Should you buy roses for your bullet proof porn box?
As this is the closest thing you have to a girlfriend?
This is only tangentially related, both to valentines day, and an inside joke involving urethral prolapse
This all ties in perfectly for todays guest article: CLICK HERE:
Fëb.13.2011 += Progress
Dial up them volts me hearty!
Figure 12: Amdy Bird will shock you::: FOR SALe SOoN
Couldn't think of anything important so thats what happened. (five points to anyone who knows where i ripped this off from)
FëB >> 12 >> 2011 >> Popcorn Carpet
Andy on Andy fan ficPost difficult today, brain is ruined
You have girlfriends in bulk
If you have 36 girlfriends it will only be $2.78 each
fêB - 11 -- 211 ++ 2.2 GIGS!-?
There is talk of a competative andy on andy fan fic column!
Figure 5: Lip Lock (note andy)
This is the missing link between a lot of people who don't know eachother. Various writers may be required. A sub-site will have dualing columns (perhaps looking like a news paper?) and if I ever figure out how to get voting in here we can see which Andy on Andy fan fic is the most (homo) erotic.
Well people in 3 weeks weve transferred 2.2 gigs of data on FoC... and the visits are increasing!
Figure 4: Leg Lock (note numbers)
Come on people lets become internet celebrities! (Vomit)
AND finally the valentines day commentary I promised and balked on yesterday:
I'm not bitter... I just don't understand things.
fÈb - 10 ++ 2111 -- Hug From a Robot
I can't tell you how glad I am that this happened:
I don't think I can post anything else, That is just too freakin awesome...
Fèb - 9 += 2111 **** Beautiful Nonsense
First off, why are quarks named after bizarre BDSM sexual practices?
Bless Wikipedia for their BDSM page, specifically the figure with title: Erotic spanking on a male Bottom.
Second: why is Nordin Slacking on his imput for the animated GIFS!!!
even when he's featured on the front page!
Figure 9: Erotic spanking on a male Bottom.
Should we give him a deadline?
Third: I am starting a running commentary on Valentines day!
(THX Eric)
Click Here
If anyone would like to contribute on the whole valentines day thing, I'd like that...
Feb - 8 _ '11 ~~~ NHP 4 LIVSE
Does anyone know how to optimise difference equations in C?
If you find yourself in a game where it is appropriate to yell "I TK IRL"...
such as kDice...
and that game also happens to have a spray... (not kDice)
Consider a Nordin has a Posse spray!
if you see Nordin please inform him that he is slacking on the animated gif.ts I ordrrd
Feb - 7 - 2011 ... White String Bass?
I just made a scare the other day! Had to dig this up to explain it:
Busy weekend, superbowl, and bruises, tried out the ties... Found a reed instrument in my slacks...
I just saw Devil's Brigade at down town brew in SLO. I came home to this link:
Click Here:
Another note: our favorite dandy has generated a considerable amount of work and posted it on the interwebs...
Pretty amazing stuff. I like it when I can't tell if its a model or a picture of the real set.
Hopefully the hard work, loss of finger skin, and promotion from this link will bring you everything you ever wanted.... in bed
Click Here for Andy site easter egg!
(those of you familiar enough with the campbell house
back yard will have appreciated said tape worm farm)
feb - 5 - 2011 === COLORS!
Night Time Bad Touch
The weekend and the holy ghost...!!!
Polyester ++
Check Out the pre-emtptive photo gallery
feb - 4 - 2011 ===
live free or rent day
Figure 3: Dandy William Hull
Friends of Campbell has been classing up the needy since the days of the gentleman's sport...
Digital Signal Processing Exam! OHNHO..
Quick post says, might set up the store to sell wire tweetie birds
These birds will be hand made from wire scrapped from an electric fence.
For an additional charge one could pay for them to be electrified, providing a shock to the live-stock like humans who would be so bold as to touch it. (unsure yet if this will require a plug or batteries)
feb - 3 - 2011 === rent day
with a vengeance
Let us talk of methamphetamines!
Let’s talk about elephantiasis!
Let us HOORJ!
Figure 2: The Bacon Devil Told me Everything
Do you like the hyper crush tshirt? Seems like more colors are creeping into the green theme
feb - 2 - 2011 === rent day 2
Hey Idea man whats the big idea? I just put on a glow-in-the-black-light tie with a picture of my own face on it.
I feel very very important. Like very. Extreme arrogance is going to be required to pull this off..
Sadly the pink and orange ties don't glow, so i got some UV paint to put on the faces.
The fact that this situation has snow-balled from ironically enjoying popular music to a full blown suburban scum bag Martha Stewart multimedia experience is beyond me.
feb – 1 – 2011 === rent day
faces gallery is upCLICK HERE
starting with the forms, they don't actually do anything yet....